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City Center Bridge

Lorem ipsum dosectetur adipisicing elit, sed do.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Nulla fringilla purus at leo dignissim congue. Mauris elementum accumsan leo vel tempor.
The rational mind and modern science are wonderful gifts that we have been given, and
The essence of awareness and of Wisdom is developing the capacity to be present to
On September 16, 2017, Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter protesters converged at the National Mall
What if you are living someone else’s life, someone else’s story? Someone else’s WAR. Only
This routine ensures that the thoughts running through my head are typically the ones I


Beginning from the mid-1990s, Dr. Anthony began to explore visionary worlds through contemplation, deep meditation, and emotional healing.

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Milojevic’s Educational Futures

In Educational Futures: Dominant and Contesting Visions educational futurist Ivana Milojevic has written a compelling and readable volume. This review provides a brief description of the contents, while giving an overall evaluation of the volume. The text is particularly useful in that it highlights some of the strengths and typical problems with

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Curiosity Mars images

If you haven’t seen these fab images of the Martian surface, taken by Curiosity, then head on over to NASA’s official site and take a look. Simply awesome!

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