The Shift

We are entering a liminal phase where we humans are being asked to question our place in the cosmos. This podcast episode represents the promise of the internet when it was first conceived. It is sensemaking at its finest. We have an interviewer, Curt Jaimungal, allowing his guest to speak, sometimes challenging him, but without constant interruption or moral and intellectual superiority. We have two people open to the wonder of both science and spiritual insight.

I simply loved this podcast. This is the promise of the internet when it was first conceived. It is sensemaking at its finest. We have an interviewer, Curt Jaimungal, allowing his guest to speak, sometimes challenging him, but without constant interruption or moral and intellectual superiority. We have two people open to the wonder of both science and spiritual insight.

I particularly love the intellectual humility of Luis Elizondo. He refuses to lecture on that which he does not genuinely know, clearly differentiating those issues on which he is competent to elucidate and those on which he is merely able to offer partiality and opinion. But mostly, I love his use of metaphor and analogy. This is a master class in sense-making, as it could be, and should be.

And by the way, we are entering a shift phase where we humans are being asked to question our place in the cosmos. We futurists talk of emerging uses. But sometimes we get lost in trivialities, waxing and waning in regard to superficial trends of little import, while lacking the courage to challenge the status quo. Lest we be evicted from the discourse.

2 thoughts on “The Shift”

  1. I’ve followed your blog for a while, though I’ve not applied what you teach at a very deep level. I hope to. But I’ve led a very unresponsible life. Is it ever too late to take part in the shift in consciousness?

    1. Hi Tess. It’s not for me to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. Or how. If you want to adopt some ideas snd principles I write about, or use any of the tools, that is entirely your choice. But you might notice that central to most of these ideas is being present. And the opportunity to be present is something that never leaves us. So, it’s never too late. Each day, each moment is a new opportunity.

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