Your Moment of Agency: The Key to Empowerment
The moment of agency and its emotional and intuitive expression is key to the development of your Authentic Self. In order to express your authenticity,
The moment of agency and its emotional and intuitive expression is key to the development of your Authentic Self. In order to express your authenticity,
BLOG: I am a little unusual amongst the Futures Studies community in that I am one of the few futurists who is very open about the importance of allowing a space in our futures for the spiritual dimensions of experience to unfold. If we initiate policies and organisational practices which
Is China coming to devour us? An alarming article written by John Garnaut in the Sydney Morning Herald (“Australia counters Chinese threat) brings to attention the views of Edward Luttwak, described as a “strong an influential adviser to the Pentagon.” Luttwak says that Australia and the US see China as
Are bookstores becoming a thing of the past as epublishing and mobile devices become the norm? trish and rob MacGreggor discuss this on their fascinating syncrosecrets blog. http://www.synchrosecrets.com/synchrosecrets/?p=9467 Personally, I love being able to read hard copy books – but I also love being able to instantly download an ebook.