How do I convince “skeptical” people about spirituality? (2 Minute Mystic #1)

“The Two Minute Mystic” is a series of short videos (about two-to-five minutes long) where I answer your questions about anything related to the things I talk and write about: human futures, inspiration, relationships, spiritual experience and practice, mindfulness, dreams, intuition, intelligence, research, a topic in the news… (example questions here). You can discuss the videos or ask further questions in the comments section. Alternatively, send your question to Marcus, “”. Use a pseudonym if you prefer.


This is the very first installment of The Two Minute Mystic. Here I answer Maree’s question: “How would you explain/define the value of spirituality to someone who sees the world in black and white terms and needs ‘scientific’ evidence before they will accept anything as real?” My answer comes out to just over two minutes, so don’t take the series title too literally!

I should add that the answer I give does not mean that you should not discuss these issues with someone with an opposing worldview. It’s just that the motive behind it needs to come from a place of relaxed presence. Feel free to discuss the topic in the comments section, below.


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2 thoughts on “How do I convince “skeptical” people about spirituality? (2 Minute Mystic #1)”

  1. thanks marcus

    for several years i’ve had conflict (on and off, and often in my own mind) arguing against those friends who i disagree with and who disagree with me about certain topics related to spirituality, materialism, the so-called paranormal, skepticism, etc…

    i’ve also been enjoying (perhaps to an unhealthy degree) the drama surrounding the internet discourse of these same topics, especially lately with the blogosphere all tied up in knots over TED.

    your approach of non-violent communication and mindfulness has reminded me to not embody this conflict. you are one of the few voices out there (in this particular debate) that stresses relaxed compassion and listening. and for that, i thank you.

    if we all dropped our egoic defenses and approached the world as listeners i think we’d be further along ahead (whatever that means ;).

    thanks again

    1. I’m happy this approach is meaningful for you, Billy. It’s just a matter of bringing awareness to the egoic projections as they arise. There’s payoffs for them, of course. Perhaps the main one is that people feel a sense of “intimacy” in coming together to condemn a mutual “enemy”. It’s a very old human habit indeed! Marcus

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