How to Distinguish the Ego from the Inner Sage? (5-min Mystic #5)






Here we go again with another installment of The Five Minute Mystic. The question I am answering comes from Graham, who asks:

“During meditation I hear a strong voice – I assume it’s the ego – and a quiet voice that comes from much deeper. Also it’s hard to register what the quiet voice is saying and showing me, as it is right on the verge of sleep and hard to understand. How do you better connect with the quiet voice and how do you distinguish what part of you the voices are – ego sage or child?” See my answer in the video, below.

If you have a question you would like me to answer, email it to me,; or alternatively write it in the comments section below.

All the best,



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1 thought on “How to Distinguish the Ego from the Inner Sage? (5-min Mystic #5)”

  1. I just can’t believe he’s dead ; if it’s possible to really miss a person you didn’t know. I felt a kind of silly pride over discovering his work,- so, so random yet so important. I still find the concept of the ivory tower difficult, but other complex quantum theories and ideas strangely straight forward. I think that I’ll always tap into his stuff every so often.
    Thanks x

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