Chatting with Kelly Howell about Intuition & the Future

Have you ever felt that you have a greater calling, but have never been able to put your finger on what it is? Listen to Kelly Howell’s conversation with author and post-conventional futurist Dr. Marcus T. Anthony discuss his work on Integrated Intelligence and the practice of accessing your built-in intuitive voice to draw upon an infinite source of knowledge and wisdom.


I was recently interviewed by Kelly Howell on her brain-sync podcast. We chatted about integrated intelligence, futures studies and developing intuition. Here’s a brief extract from her page, and the link. Please enjoy,and feel free to like or share. 🙂 Marcus

Have you ever felt that you have a greater calling, but have never been able to put your finger on what it is? Listen to Kelly Howell’s conversation with author and post-conventional futurist Dr. Marcus T. Anthony discuss his work on Integrated Intelligence and the practice of accessing your built-in intuitive voice to draw upon an infinite source of knowledge and wisdom.

Futurists are scholars who study, analyze and deeply question the future. Dr. Anthony differs from most practicing futurists in that he focuses on spiritual realms and human consciousness rather than technology or economics.

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