Mind and Futures in the Media This Week, # 2

the-new-mind Here’s a roundup of some Important and relevant news in the media this week, all related to mind and the future. This page may be updated with new links over the coming week. The link to last week’s Media report is here.


IT and Big Data

Mike Elgan, Forbes, “Tom Hanks’ Captain Phillips Says The High-Tech World Is A Shocking Delusion”.

Main Idea: The future will not be a simple high-tech one where all have access to big data, but one increasingly defined by the digital divide.

Marcus’ insight: The same is also true of intuitive knowledge, with high-tech distraction and verbal-linguistic cognitive overload retarding human capacity to access integrated intelligence. There will be opportunities there too. But will we become so lost in high-tech obsession that nobody acknowledges it?

“Any successful company interfacing with customers, shipping products, and training employees must shed the delusion that we live in a high-tech world. The reality is that we live in a technologically divided world. Advancing technology is increasingly defining our world by the gulf between people who have access to it, and people who don’t. This presents an opportunity: to bring access to technology’s benefits to those who can’t currently afford or understand it, finding ways to bridge the growing gap between technology haves and have-nots.”

Mindfulness and Meditation

Science 2.0, “Mindfulness Meditation Helps With Mild Anxiety And Depression, Finds Review”.

Significance: More empirical data which supports the idea that mindfulness and meditation promote wellbeing.

“A Johns Hopkins University of research suggests that about 30 minutes of meditation daily may improve symptoms of anxiety and depression, without medication.”

Gauri Rane, DNAIndia.com, “Lead with spirit”

Main Idea: Emotional and spiritual intelligence help leaders and executives to access their inner power and become better leaders says Marko Saravanja, chairman, Regenesys B-school.

Significance: A good summary of the value of spiritual and emotional intelligence for leaders. Also, Regenesys Business School India is teaching spiritual intelligence. Is there a demand for this kind of intelligence training?

“Managers/ leaders who are more evolved in terms of emotional and spiritual intelligence tend to be more authentic, happy and intuitive. Their locus of control is internal. They are better at building interpersonal relationships, managing teams and fostering trust, which is a prerequisite of any successful business relationship. Successful leaders exhibit qualities of empathy, compassion, and respect, which are all aspects of emotional intelligence.”


David Loye, Darwin in Love (and related books)

Main Idea: Darwin is often misrepresented in the media and mainstream science. He had a far more “moral” and spiritual view of humanity and life than is often understood. This book has been around a year or two, but David Loye has drawing attention to its importance again this year.

Significance: Darwin in Love is suggestive of the way that paradigm blindness tends to place ideas and people in predefined categories and misrepresent them, telling only part of the full story.

“The long ignored, but rediscovered new story of the life and full theory of the Darwin who in The Descent of Man wrote only twice about “survival of the fittest”  but 95 times about the evolutionary drive of love. This is the  first book for Darwin’s New World View Ebook Series exploring the powerful, original, but long lost love and moral action-oriented completion for his theory and the much better future it opens to us.”


Dean Radin:, deanradin.blogspot.com, “Electrocortical activity associated with subjective communication with the deceased”.

Main Idea: Summary and link to a recent paper by Arnaud Delorme, Julie Beischel, Leena Michel, Mark Boccuzzi, Dean Radin and Paul J. Mills, which assessed correlations between brain activity and impressions of communication with the dead. Significance: Suggests that the impression of communicating with the deceased may be a mental state distinct from ordinary thinking or imagination.

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