Practicing the “I Am” Meditation for Power and Presence

The essence of awareness and of Wisdom is developing the capacity to be present to the mind, and the witness to thought itself. And in my most recent episode on my YouTube channel, Power and Presence episode, introduce you to a very simple but Powerful meditation, which you will find very easy to practice, and which you can return to again and again, whenever you feel the need.

The essence of awareness and of Wisdom is developing the capacity to be present to the mind, and the witness to thought itself. And in my most recent episode on my YouTube channel, Power and Presence episode, introduce you to a very simple but Powerful meditation, which you will find very easy to practice, and which you can return to again and again, whenever you feel the need.

At the beginning of the video I explain how to do the meditation. The meditation takes less than 10 minutes. All you need is a quiet space where you can listen to my voice as I take you through it. You can sit in a chair, or on the floor, it’s up to you. You can even do this during a break at work, if you feel the need to relax and be more present. But of course, don’t do this if you are engaging in some activity that requires your focused attention, such as driving a vehicle or operating machinery.

I do this meditation regularly, and it can be done as a stand-alone practice. But I find it particularly powerful and effective after doing some kind of emotional body work, where I have allowed myself to connect deeply with some deep emotionality such as fear, anger or grief, and those feelings may be associated with a traumatic memory. Connecting with emotional energy is often necessary for personal healing, but too great a focus on pain and suffering can become self-limiting. Such painful memories and feelings always come with a self-limiting story and beliefs. I like to allow myself to be present to the mind’s story, and to the mind’s beliefs, without judgment, but I also want to open the mind to the experience of a new and more empowering story, to more expansive beliefs, and to a sense of openness and possibility. To beliefs and concepts that more truly reflect my Deep Self. I want to be able to introduce the mind to these things in the present, and to allow consciousness to flourish. This is central to the purpose of the I Am meditation.

I have been inspired to develop the I Am meditation by presence teacher Leonard Jacobson, who’s teaching is centred upon allowing the experience of “I Am” to emerge from within. This includes the embodiment of “I am Love.” Beginning with “I am” allows us to be deeply present with the soul, the Deep Self. So, saying and embodying “I Am” is a very simple way of bringing the mind into deep presence. What I’ve done with this meditation is to expand Leonard’s process and turn it into a meditation practice, while introducing other profound concepts like Wisdom, Abundance, and Grace.

You will soon find more meditations and visualisations in the Power and Presence online course, which will be available here on my web site in June 2024. And check out the Power and Presence book on Amazon for a deeper dive into these ideas.


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