Presentation: “Embodiment, Classical Intuition and The Future of the Metaverse.

This is my very recent presentation at the Society for Consciousness Studies, 2021. "Embodiment, Classical Intuition and The Future of the Metaverse." My central argument is that it is vitally important that we retain a strong sense of embodiment & intuitive intelligence even as the 3D Digital Society evolves. To further diminish that awareness would represent the deepening & perpetuation of a major civilisational error that has engendered the crisis in sensemaking. It thus represents an existential crisis that is potentially catastrophic, literally &/or metaphorically. Establishing an Authentic Self via Embodied Presence is a vital component of all this.
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Below is the video of my very recent presentation at the Society for Consciousness Studies, 2021. “Embodiment, Classical Intuition and The Future of the Metaverse.” My central argument is that it is vitally important that we retain a strong sense of embodiment & intuitive intelligence even as the 3D Digital Society evolves. To further diminish that awareness would represent the deepening & perpetuation of a major civilisational error that has engendered the crisis in sensemaking. It thus represents an existential crisis that is potentially catastrophic, literally &/or metaphorically. Establishing an Authentic Self via Embodied Presence is a vital component of all this.

1. About Marcus T Anthony (1:15)

2. What is Critical Futures Studies? (5:10)

3. Context: The Metaverse, Embodiment & the Crisis in Sensemaking (6:45)

4. Deep Futures vs Money & Machines Futures (14:55)

5. Integrated Intelligence & the Extended Mind (16:45)

6. Scenarios: Four Possible Futures of the Metaverse (27:20)

7. Conclusion: Rediscovering the Authentic Self (33:10)

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