The Price of Being Right


My belief is that there is often something more important than taking sides in a debate or argument.

How is my attitude towards the subject affecting my consciousness? Does my position cause an expansion of consciousness, or a contraction? This is not an intellectual question. It requires an intuitively-felt answer, and you will know that answer immediately. My suggestion is that if your relationship to the subject causes a contraction, just let it go.

Whether you are right or wrong makes no difference at all to what I am talking about. You can be right, morally justified and vindicated – and in diminishment.

Most situations resolve themselves without us needing to impose our opinions on them, and upon others. Yes, even the big things. There is nothing wrong with having an opinion, nor in believing it to be right. But if your attachment to that position comes at the expense of your own spirit, is it really worth the price?


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