Your Moment of Agency: The Key to Empowerment
The moment of agency and its emotional and intuitive expression is key to the development of your Authentic Self. In order to express your authenticity,
The moment of agency and its emotional and intuitive expression is key to the development of your Authentic Self. In order to express your authenticity,
MOVIE REVIEW: This review appeared on my previous blog. I repost it here for those who did not read the original. “Get your ass to Mars”, Arnie famously said in the original Total Recall. Unfortunately in the most recent version of the movie there is no Arnie and no Mars,
BLOG POST: Finally, here we are at the new MindFutures site! So what’s different, what’s new, and what will remain the same? The first thing you will notice is that new mind-futures.com contains most of my work and interests in the one location. Previously, my stuff has been scattered all
POPULAR REFERENCE: Deep down many images of the future are really shallow. That’s a play on an old joke, but let me explain. Futures are not simply dry scenarios, not merely the compact, politically correct visions of policy makers and government think tanks. They are the images which fire our