Your Moment of Agency: The Key to Empowerment
The moment of agency and its emotional and intuitive expression is key to the development of your Authentic Self. In order to express your authenticity,
The moment of agency and its emotional and intuitive expression is key to the development of your Authentic Self. In order to express your authenticity,
BOOK REVIEWS (ARCHIVES): Lawrence LeShan’s A New Science of the Paranormal is a very readable and excellent tome, which seeks to address the way forward for research into the paranormal and fringe areas of consciousness research. Lawrence LeShan is a veteran researcher in the field, and at just 125 pages,
BOOK REVIEWS (ACRHIVES): The Science Delusion is Rupert Sheldrake’s latest book. I found this book to be an excellent and very readable presentation of some of the problems facing frontier science. All in all it is a great read. It’s a definite five stars in my book. Let me begin with
ACADEMIC ARTICLE: This is a paper written for Nanyang University of Technology (Singapore). The purpose is to briefly introduce the concept of Deep Futures and the emerging discipline of Postconventional Futures Studies (PFS). The goal is to outline potential applications and benefits for Foresight and Futures practitioners. Deep Futures can