TED censorship: Into the shadow (2 Minute Mystic #3)

“The Two Minute Mystic” is a series of short videos (about two-to-five minutes long) where I answer your questions about anything related to the things I talk and write about: human futures, inspiration, relationships, spiritual experience and practice, mindfulness, dreams, intuition, intelligence, research, a topic in the news… (example questions here). You can discuss the videos or ask further questions in the comments section. Alternatively, send your question to Marcus, “mindfutures@gmail.com”. Use a pseudonym if you prefer.

In the third installment of The Two Minute Mystic I answer the second part of Simon’s question, below, about censorship on Ted. (Watch the first part of my answer here).

This time I put on my mystic’s hat to answer the question:

“To what do you attribute the rigorous rejection of the ‘mystical’ and ‘spiritual’ by so many journalists and opinion-formers? (Like the recent example of Sheldrake’s TEDx talk being taken off the website)”

As you can see I had to change the title of this series to “The Two Minute Mystic”, as getting an answer in in under 2 minutes is tough!

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