The Ego vs the Inner Sage

I was delighted to be alerted about this this piece discussing the ego vs inner Sage, kindly put up by the Inner Self site. It is an extract from my book Discover Your Soul Template, which I wrote as a kind of modern day Bible for those wanting to develop their intuition. I didn’t ask Inner Self to do this. It’s always nice when someone else helps you out.

In the link you’ll see that I talk about how to distinguish the voice of the ego from the voice of the inner Sage, (or Spirit). This is one of the most important skills for any spiritual practitioner, and even for people who don’t profess to be “spiritual” in any way. It is very easy to get sucked into false teachings when you unconsciously follow the voice of ego, and the end result is typically a lot of confusion and suffering. It is something that we all have to work on. So I am super glad that Inner Self chose this part of my book to put up!


If you could help out by liking the page, or sharing, that would be greatly appreciated. There’s an enormous amount of work that goes into writing a book – the best part of twenty years in this case, if you include the long wisdom journey that rails behind it !

Travel wisely,


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