The Two Minute Mystic: Ask Marcus a question!








If you can’t say it simply, then you don’t understand it. This popular saying is the inspiration for my latest endeavour: “The Two Minute Mystic”. This will be a series of very short videos (about two-to-five minutes long) where I answer questions from anyone who cares to pose them. The questions can be about anything that is related to the kinds of things I talk and write about: human futures, inspiration, relationships, spiritual experience and practice, mindfulness, dreams, intuition, intelligence, research, a topic in the news… Maybe you have read one of my books or seen one of my videos and there is something you are unclear about or would like to know more about. Don’t be shy! Ask! People can then add to the discussion in the comments section after I post the video here, or ask further questions.

I have spent twenty years exploring consciousness. I am also a natural intuitive, so I will often use my intuition to answer personal questions.

If the question is about a personal problem, make sure you describe it well so I can answer it as best I can. There are some example questions at the bottom of the page. People have asked me similar questions in the past.

So pose me a question, and I will answer it for you in a minute or so on my “One Minute Mystic” videos! If I feel I am not able to answer it honestly, I will write back and tell you. Integrity is of the absolute highest value to me.

*Edit: I’ve included the first video, below, in answer to Maree’s question (which is in the comments section).

Write to me, Marcus at: Or if you prefer, you can leave the question in the comments section, below. Use your real name or provide a pseudonym if you’d like to stay anonymous.




Example questions


How can I find my true calling?

What is the meaning of this dream?

How can I heal my pain?

How do I deal with my distant partner?

How do I know if he/she is my true love?


How can I develop intuition?

What is intuition?

Can people see into the future?

Is the psychic real?

Do you believe in God?

Current affairs/topical

What do you think about the TED censorship of Sheldrake and co?

Is it okay to laugh at Margaret Thatcher’s death?

How can China and Japan heal their differences?


How can I feel inspired to learn again?

When do you see a paradigm shift coming in mind science?

Should I follow my calling and study what I love, or study what the market requires?

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8 thoughts on “The Two Minute Mystic: Ask Marcus a question!”

  1. Hi Marcus
    How would you explain/define the value of spirituality to someone who sees the world in black and white terms and needs ‘scientific’ evidence before they will accept anything as real?

  2. Pingback: How do I convince “skeptical” people about spirituality? (One Minute Mystic #1) | MindFutures

  3. Pingback: Why does the media reject the spiritual? (1 Minute Mystic # 2) | MindFutures

  4. Pingback: TED censorship: Into the shadow (2 Minute Mystic #3) | MindFutures

  5. Pingback: Help! I foresaw the Boston marathon bombing! (2 minute mystic # 4) | MindFutures

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