Diary of a 21st Century Mystic, #2: Wisdom & action

DIARY OF A 21st CENTURY MYSTIC (#2). “It isn’t necessary to be right, just don’t get it wrong.” Apparently this is a quote by management guru and futurist Peter Schwartz. I heard it quoted yesterday at the Asia-Pacific Foresight conference in Perth, Western Australia, and it struck me as a profound truth. Too often we move through life worrying about making mistakes, and believing that there is only one right way to do or create something. In spiritual circles, people often make the mistake of thinking about “my calling” or “the will of God”. If we deviate from the one right path, then it will be disastrous. The result of such a mind-set can be guilt or self-condemnation.

In turn, this leads to anxiety and judgment of what lies before us, of the life that we have created or are in the process of creating. We then lose presence, the connection with the bountiful joy of the present moment. The heart then tightens and restricts the expression of love. The spirit becomes fearful and reclusive, and stops taking positive actions towards creating its desired future.

The truth is that there are many ways to express your spirit, your calling. There is no single right way. The process of creation is just as important as the outcome. I say, go about your life and creating your goals with a light heart and a joyful stride. Enjoy the day. One way to make everything “wrong” is to judge and condemn others or yourself. Even if you are successful beyond your wildest dreams, is it worth it if the process is full of fear, anger and rejection? Personally, I say it isn’t.

We all have an inbuilt intuitive guidance system – Integrated Intelligence. Listen to it. It will let you know if you are creating a future that will lead to suffering and failure. It is also true that suffering and failure are in themselves not intrinsically “negative”, as long as we learn quickly and move on. Yet most of us would agree that it is preferable to learn through joy and success, not via the pain of failure and rejection!

So listen to your intuition. When it tells you are going in the wrong direction, stop and listen. I have created a simple process called the Wisdom Cycle, which works from the principles that I have written about above.

You can begin the Wisdom Cycle by “checking energy”. This just means listening to your intuition or applying any of the INI Tools I have written about in Discover Your Soul Template. Allow excitement and passion to draw your forward, for these are the feelings that draw you towards the highest expression of “self”. If it feels right, take action towards the goal. You can imagine the outcome (goal) and even visualise it, but don’t get too attached to it. Release expectations and continue move forward with passion and excitement. After some time you will be able to observe results. Evaluation means that you decide if the result is good, bad, or somewhere in between. You can modify your actions if you choose. Again, you can use your Integrated Intelligence at this point to check for what feels right. The last step is “integration”, which is simply the learning and wisdom which emerges from your experience, some of which will be subconscious, and some of which will occur from your rational mind evaluating the whole situation.

The Wisdom Cycle helps you keep on the right track, on one of the many paths that resonate with your spirit. It also helps keep you alert to failure, to going in the wrong direction. Most importantly it enables a joyful and relaxed approach to life and “achievement”. It is very relevant to where I am in my life, as I write this. There is a state of strong uncertainty, where I stand at a crossroads with many possible paths to take. But I will say more about this in my next post.

Travel well,


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