Your Moment of Agency: The Key to Empowerment
The moment of agency and its emotional and intuitive expression is key to the development of your Authentic Self. In order to express your authenticity,
The moment of agency and its emotional and intuitive expression is key to the development of your Authentic Self. In order to express your authenticity,
Futures www.metafuture.org – Futurists Sohail Inayatullah and Ivana Milojevic www.davidloye.com Author of Darwin’s Lost Theory of Love www.shapingtomorrowmain.ning.com Mike Jackson’s forum for serious students of the future! www.centerforfutureconsciousness.com Tom Lombardo’s Centre for Future Consciousness http://transmediadigest.com/futuretrends Peter von Stackelberg’s new blog about future trends
BLOG: In the old story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff there was a big, nasty troll lurking under the bridge ready to devour the poor little goats. What a nightmare! Now in the twenty-first century the word “troll” has a completely different meaning, and we all know what it
What if you could see into the unknown country within men, to the dark places that even they dare not venture…? Greg Marks is an extraordinary young man. After having several incredible paranormal experiences, the formerly average university student finds that his mind can access an undreamed of intelligence: